Fire and Rescue Department receives $7,500
The Union Grove-Yorkville Fire and Rescue Department is the recipient of a grant from the Union Grove Area Fund.
Brian McMahon, U.G. Area Fund Chairman, presented a check for $7,500 to Fire Chief Tom Czerniak on Jan 10. Also attending the presentation was Barb Geschke, the Union Grove Area Fund Secretary.
Receipt of the grant, along with additional donations, completes the funding to replace and upgrade the department’s thermal imaging camera without cost to the taxpayers.
A thermal imaging camera provides invaluable help and brings significantly enhanced technology to each fire fighting effort, as well as assisting in surrounding communities.
The local department automatically responds to all Kansasville fire calls and often provides additional support to other areas, including Raymond and Burlington.
About the Fund
The Union Grove Area Fund was established in 1995 with a $100,000 bequest from the estate of James R. Reitsma, a local dairy farmer. Reitsma’s purpose for his donation was to support and enhance the fire/rescue squad services for the Union Grove area, and to improve safety and welfare for the community.
Since 1995, several other donations have been received. Funds are kept on deposit with the Racine Community Foundation as a separate Union Grove Area Fund, and are managed by a local Board of Advisors.
The five-member board meets annually to consider grant applications and can hold interim meetings if a special need arises.
Projects qualifying for grant funding will typically provide a benefit or enhanced quality of life to the greater Union Grove area.
Grant application
Most grants awarded are those that fit the guidelines established in the bequest of James Reitsma. The grant application asks for a description of the project for which funds are being sought, including specific objectives and benefit to the community.
Donations welcome
The Union Grove Area Fund is an excellent way to give back to your community by making a tax-deductible contribution at any time or leave a bequest in a will.
If desired, people may also specify an area of interest and those wishes will be followed whenever possible as grants are awarded. Whatever the amount of a donation, the contribution will help make a difference in the community where you live.
For information, contact the Union Grove Area Fund at 1616 63rd Dr., Union Grove, WI 53182, or call Brian McMahon at (262) 878-2634.