Mother was found on roadside in Raymond 17 years ago
By Jason Arndt
Staff Writer
For more than 17 years, the murder of Juanita Zdroik was an unforgettable and chilling moment for Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling, who announced the arrest of one of two suspects in Monday morning press briefing held at the Racine County Sheriff’s Patrol Station in Yorkville.
Zdroik, 39, of Milwaukee was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head in the 6600 block of Highway K in the Town of Raymond on Feb. 7, 2000.

Last January, Schmaling said an investigator learned of a link between the Zdroik homicide and a double homicide that happened on the same day.
The link led authorities to Tampa, where they arrested Miguel A. Cruz, 35, who faces a charge of first-degree intentional homicide, use of a dangerous weapon.
The other suspect, Elias A. Burgos, 30, remains at large and “is believed to be hiding in Puerto Rico,” Schmaling said.
Schmaling, a sheriff’s deputy at the time, was the first to arrive to the scene after a resident found Zdroik’s body on the side of the road.
“I can assure you, I will never forget that chilling morning when I was dispatched to a call for a body on the side of the road,” Schmaling said. “That disturbing morning is forever etched in our memories.”
The chilling memories, according to Schmaling, were further ingrained in her three children who spent nearly two decades anxious for closure.
Schmaling, who told Zdroik’s son of the arrest, said the family has mixed emotions after learning what the circumstances were surrounding their mother’s murder.
“He expressed his family’s gratitude for the tenacity of my investigative team’s efforts,” he said. “They are anxious for closure while at the same time somber when thinking of their mother’s last moments.”
The closure comes after a witness to the double homicide in Milwaukee and Zdroik’s murder offered information to investigators in 2010.
The witness, who was about 16 years old when the killings happened, told authorities in 2010 Zdroik’s murder stemmed from an incident in Milwaukee.
In Milwaukee, Zdroik came into contact with Cruz, Burgos and Jose Sanchez while they were engaged in a drug transaction.
After the transaction, the complaint contends, Zdroik transported the four men, and stopped at a nearby alley.
In the alley, Sanchez opened fire at two other men, and killed them.
In response, Zdroik cried hysterically, shouting “He killed them, he killed them.”
Then, Cruz and Burgos set her car on fire, and offered to take her to Chicago and give her money and a new vehicle.
While the witness was en route on Interstate 94 in a caravan, Zdroik continued to ask for a new vehicle, and in response, the 16-year-old witness took the Highway K exit and drove west.
It is alleged Cruz, who walked to the passenger side door, pulled Zdroik out and eventually shot her as she struggled with him.
Cruz, according to the witness, re-entered the van and stated, “This is what happens to snitches!”
Burgos then allegedly drove over Zdroik’s body to make sure she was dead, the complaint contends.
On Jan. 1 this year, Racine County investigators received information about a possible connection between the double homicide in Milwaukee and Zdroik’s murder.
Two days later, investigators learned the blood of one of the two Milwaukee victims was found on Zdroik’s clothing.
Schmaling believes the Zdroik family will receive justice for Juanita’s murder.
“I am confident that we will bring closure to this family’s heartache, which shattered the lives of three children and forever robbed them of their mother,” he said.