By Ed Nadolski
Editor in Chief
Ideal weather made the Racine County Fair the place to be last weekend as nearly 90,000 people crossed through the gates during the event’s five-day run at the fairgrounds in Union Grove.
“We had a great fair,” said fair board President Scott Gunderson. “How lucky are we to have weather like we did?”
Gunderson said fair attendance was 89,213, which was up slightly from the 2016 total.
“We’re happy with that number,” he said. “We had our best Friday ever.”
Gunderson said it was likely a combination of factors that led to the record attendance on Friday – the ideal weather, truck and tractor pulls at the grandstand and few other events in the area to compete with the fair.
Among this year’s highlights, he said, was the popularity of the Rhinestone Roper Show – a husband and wife act that gained national notoriety on the television competition “America’s Got Talent.”
The performance, which features knife throwing and trick shooting, was a “huge hit” that was “packed for every show,” Gunderson said.
“It was an awesome show and we’ll probably bring them back next year,” he added.
A special event honoring Green Bay Packers Fan Hall of Fame inductee Frank Lamping, of Union Grove, also attracted a large crowd, according to Gunderson. Former Packers players Antonio Freeman and Dave Robinson were part of the ceremony and signed autographs for two hours after the event.
Gunderson also said the traditional events that make the county fair popular continued to display their usual staying power.
Among the notable winners at this year’s fair are:
- Sarah Euglen, of Burlington, was crowned 2017 Fairest of the Fair;
- Cassidey Wolfert won the Fair Idol contest and performed as an opening act at the grandstand;
- Tori Crisp had the grand champion steer;
- Weston Wisnefski had the grand champion hog; and
- Brannt Balfanz had the grand champion lamb in the animal auction.