Community State Bank made a $1,000 donation to American Legion Post 171 recently as part of a larger plan to develop a drive-up that will provide better access to the building’s handicap entrance.
“The idea originally came from Community State Bank’s president at one of their events at the American Legion,” said American Legion Post 171 financial officer Tom Turner. “He had mentioned that the building needed a drop-off for people with wheelchairs, and we agreed. Community State Bank then donated $1,000 towards the project.”
As part of the fundraising effort, American Legion Post 171 members sent out a letter requesting additional donations from other local community groups, organizations and businesses to help fulfill the remaining balance of the project. Participating donors include Miller-Reesman Funeral Home and Cremation Service, Union Grove Lions Club, American Legion Auxiliary, Polnasek-Daniels Funeral Home and Crematory, American Legion First District Riders, Sons of American Legion, Jim and Nelda Harris and Community State Bank.
In addition to Community State Bank’s donation, bank employees also had a bake sale in the Legion’s honor and raised an additional $300 to donate toward the project.
“It’s really amazing to see this ripple effect throughout our community to help our local veterans,” said Community State Bank president and chief executive officer Scott Huedepohl. “These men and women have donated their lives to help protect our country. We’re honored to give back to those that gave so much.”
Funding for the project is close to being met and construction is set to begin this spring. “We just want to thank all of those who donated towards this project,” said Turner. “It helps us accommodate those less fortunate. Thank you so much for helping make this project happen.”