Racine County Public Works plans to close a stretch of Highway C (Spring Street) in the Village of Yorkville on Monday, Aug. 30, for pavement replacement.
The portion of highway, which runs from the Ives Grove intersection with Highway 20 on the east to the Highway 45 intersection on the north side of Union Grove, is scheduled to be closed until Sept. 27, according to county officials.
Highway C will be open for residents living in the closed section, but will be closed to all through traffic.
Drivers will be detoured to Highway A during the construction period. Signs will be posted to direct traffic around the closure.
County crews plan to mill and replace asphalt pavement on that portion of the highway, according to officials. The work is weather dependent and subject to change.
Questions about the project can be directed to Julie Anderson, Director, at 262-886-8440 or [email protected].
A map of the project area is below.