Former Town Board member named recipient of Lamping Award
Community State Bank, Union Grove, has announced that James Moyer has been named as the 2021 Frank Lamping Community Service Award recipient.
The award, inspired by Union Grove native Frank Lamping, was created to acknowledge and celebrate a community member who exemplifies positivity, selflessness, leadership, and inspires others to give back to the community, according to officials from the bank, which sponsors the annual award.
A nominating committee assembled by Community State Bank selected Moyer, former Yorkville Town Board Member and former Union Grove Yorkville Fire Commission Chairman, for the award.
As the award recipient, Moyer has been gifted $1,000 by Community State Bank to donate to a local non-profit or service organization of his choice. He will announce his chosen organization at an upcoming award celebration hosted by the bank on Oct. 14.
“Well, it’s very humbling to be nominated for this award,” Moyer said. “My past experiences with supporting the community all started with serving on the Yorkville School Board. From there it turned into serving on the Yorkville Town Board and so on. I do it, because that’s just what you’re supposed to do. You live to serve others.”
Moyer is a lifetime resident of the Union Grove and Yorkville community. He and his family reside at Moyer Family Farm. Moyer served on the Yorkville Town Board for 34 years, Fire Commission Chairman for 16 years, Yorkville School Board for 16 years and Farmer’s Cooperative Elevator/Farmers Grain and Supply Board for 26 years.
He also dedicated his time towards serving as a 4-H Leader, community farmer and choir member of Yorkville Methodist Church for 60 years.
Community State Bank will host an award celebration on Oct. 14, at their Union Grove office, 1500 Main St., to present Moyer with the award. The outdoor event will run from 5 until 7 p.m. with a presentation beginning at 6 p.m. Food and beverages will be available during the event. The general public is invited to attend.
To read the full version of this story see the Sept. 24 edition of the Westine Report.