Annual Independence Day parade is Monday morning
The Union Grove Chamber of Commerce will host its Independence Day parade on Monday, July 5, beginning at 9:15 a.m. through the heart of the village.
Organizers have invited parade participants to “Party Like its 1776.” The theme commemorates the year the country’s original 13 colonies issued the Declaration of Independence.
The parade route travels east on Highway 11 from the Racine County Fairgrounds and heads north on Highway 45 into the village’s downtown.
Check-in for parade entries begins at 7 a.m. at the fairgrounds.
The main event will be preceded by a kiddie parade. Young entrants with their patriotically decorated bikes, wagons and other vehicles should gather at Graham Public Library, 1215 Main St., by 8:45 a.m. Decorating kits will be available for participants outside the library beginning at 8 a.m. The kiddie parade will proceed north along Main Street to the Village Square.
For additional information visit uniongrovechamber.org.