Evers signs legislation at Veterans Home in Union Grove
By Chad Hensiak
Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers signed two new bills Tuesday in Union Grove designed to assist military veterans making the transition back into civilian life.
Evers was joined by Wisconsin Department of Veteran Affairs Secretary Mary Kolar, members of the Heroes for Healthcare organization, state representatives, and senators at Boland Hall of the Wisconsin Veterans Home.
According to Heroes for Healthcare Community Engagement Manager Joyce Mallory, the legislation behind the bills, championed by Sen. André Jacque and Rep. Rob Summerfield, was officially introduced to the Senate on Veterans Day in 2021 to provide a pathway for returning military medics, corpsmen, and medical technicians by allowing them to apply the skills they gained in active service to health care settings in Wisconsin.
In news release, Mallory stated, “Health care shortages have only worsened throughout the pandemic and Senate Bill 720 is an important tool to make sure that all Wisconsinites have the access to the high-quality care they need and deserve.”
Senate Bill 605 (now 2021 Wisconsin Act 159) ensures active-duty members, their spouses, and their children are eligible for in-state college tuition at University of Wisconsin colleges and technical schools even if their service requires them to move out of state.
To read the full story see the March 11 edition of the Westine Report.