By Patricia Bogumil
Interim editor
With a cold nip in the air but no snow to frost the tips of tiny noses, Waterford’s Winterland Parade stepped off smartly Dec. 2 with holiday-themed floats and marching bands.
The parade’s grand finale was again held at Waterford Public Library, where families and friends gathered together for the annual Christmas Tree Lighting program.
“This is the eleventh year we’ve had the tree lighting and, as always, it was a beautiful and fun kickoff to the holidays,” said library director, Pam Belden.
Seven-year-old Gracie Lunceford of Waterford had the honor of officially lighting the tree. Her name was earlier pulled as the winner in a contest drawing sponsored by the library.
As official grand prizewinner, Gracie also took home a $50 gift certificate. Other contest winners are Alex Costanzo, $30 gift certificate; Alex Wollmer, $25; and Ben Sieren, $15.
Rocking the crowd with some holiday tunes were the Fox River Singers, directed by teacher Deanna Kulow.
Children’s librarian Tricia Cox read an original published poem she authored entitled “Silent Night at the Library.”
And everyone was welcome to go home with a treat bag after singing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.”
About 500 people attended Saturday night’s festivities, said Belden, and 300 took home treat bags.
This year, Runzheimers again provided the treat bags and contest certificates. “They have always helped us with that,” said Belden.
This year’s tree was again decorated by library volunteers, Rick and Joanne Scheffel. “They have been doing that for many years for us,” said Belden.
For anyone looking for more family fun, the library will host “Read around the Christmas Tree” with traditional Christmas stories and cards at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 20.
And for those who are all-thumbs when it comes to wrapping presents, members of the library’s Teen Advisory Board are holding a fundraiser on Saturday, Dec. 10, from noon to 2:30 p.m.
The teens will wrap any and all Christmas gifts. Cash donations will be happily received.
And if anyone has extra wrapping paper, ribbons/bows or gift tags, any of that can be donated to the cause and dropped off at the library by Saturday to maximize the group’s profit.