Poll workers recognized at Village Board meeting
Election inspectors and election day registration deputies for the Village of Waterford were honored Monday night by the Village Board for their service and dedication.
“I’m so honored to work with these citizens who take the time to volunteer, attend numerous hours of training and work the elections to make sure every vote counts,” said Village Clerk Vikki Zuehlke.
Besides their many accomplishments noted in the official proclamation, the Village of Waterford had zero discrepancies in the state Supreme Court election Prosser/Kloppenburg recount this year, she noted.
“That was a very proud moment for us and is due to the election inspectors following through on the training they received and following all of the procedures set for them.”
The village’s official proclamation, issued Dec. 10, follows.
WHEREAS, The Village of Waterford has 37 outstanding residents of our community who have chosen to take time out of their demanding lives to contribute to the civil well-being of the Village of Waterford; and
WHEREAS, citizen involvement is essential to conduct open, accurate and fair elections in Wisconsin; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Waterford is extremely fortunate to have these residents who have been willing to be trained, re-trained, and then re-trained again because of the ever changing election laws to be the best Election Inspectors and Election Day Registration Deputies; and
WHEREAS, the elections in 2012 were part of a very historical time in the state of Wisconsin with no less than 6 elections; and
WHEREAS, over 8,900 ballots were cast in 2012; and
WHEREAS, over 1,750 absentee ballots were processed in 2012; and
WHEREAS, over 520 same day voter registrations were processed in 2012; and
WHEREAS, despite the large number of voters and ballots they cast, the Election Inspectors processed all the voters efficiently and effectively without delay; and
NOW, THEREFORE LET IT BE PROCLAIMED: That the Village Board of the Village of Waterford officially recognize the significant effort associated with the accomplishment of the above tasks as a result of the elections in 2012 which required the Village to call on the individuals who served as Election Inspectors and Election Day Registration Deputies at a higher level than ever before, and hereby expresses their sincere gratitude on behalf of the Village Board and Village of Waterford residents for the outstanding service provided by all parties involved with the history making number of elections in 2012.