The Wind Lake Volunteer Fire Company recently announced acquisition of a second Jaws of Life. This rescue tool, powered by a hydraulic pump, refers to several types of tools known as cutters, spreaders and rams that are used by emergency rescue personnel to pry open vehicles involved in accidents when a victim is trapped.
The innovative equipment has a number of unique advantages over older, less effective and even dangerous tools like saws, axes and crowbars.
Hydraulic spreader-cutters are quiet, fast, strong and versatile: they can push, pull, cut, spread and even lift a vehicle. When someone is trapped, the tool is used to pry or cut the car to remove the occupant. It takes about two minutes to take the roof off a car.
Although cars are safer than ever, auto accidents are an unfortunate part of life. The reality is you or someone you love will likely be involved in a car accident at some point. What happens afterwards when emergency personnel arrive on the scene can make a difference to your survival.
“This is huge for our community,” said Assistant Chief Roger Schwartz.
“Car accidents often involve situations where the right tool for the right job could mean the difference between life and death.
“Hydraulic rescue tools like the Jaws of Life could very well snatch people back from the jaws of death.”
The new Jaws of Life was funded by a Wind Lake Chamber of Commerce donation, a Wind Lake Volunteer Fire Company Pancake Breakfast fundraiser and matched funds from the Wind Lake Volunteer Fire Company.