
Joint local policing idea moves forward

By Dave Fidlin


While specifics of an arrangement still need to be fleshed out, talks between the Town and Village of Waterford for a joint police department are moving forward.

At a Town Board meeting held April 13, Town Chairman Tom Hincz provided an update on the process, which would entail the Town of Waterford offering police personnel and resources to the Village of Waterford.

Last month, at the village’s request, town officials sent the village a proposal for providing police services to the village in 2016.

It entailed hiring four Full-Time Equivalency officers. When the town sent a proposal three years ago, it called on staffing the village with three FTE officers.

During the similar round of discussions that took place in 2012, the Village Board at the time decided to continue with its longstanding practice of contracting out for policing services from the Racine County Sheriff’s Department.

But this year the Village Board is again reviewing its options.

Specific dollar figures were not discussed at this week’s Town Board meeting, but Hincz noted the village had been presented with a proposal, which he said village officials looked upon favorably.

The next step in the discussions is to draw up a contract to be scrutinized by Police Chief Tom Ditscheit and Town Attorney Michael Dubis.

Once the proposed contract has passed through their hands, each Town Board member will then review it.

Logistical questions about a joint Waterford police force continued to crop up during this week’s discussions.

Town Supervisor Nick Draskovich, for example, inquired where a presumably larger fleet of police vehicles would be kept.

In response to the questions, Dubis commented, “I would think the first year you’d be getting into this, there would be trial and error any way you go about it.”

The cost of bringing local police resources to the village would likely be higher than the dollar amount ultimately quoted to the village three years ago.

Ditscheit said he believes an additional officer — from the three proposed in 2012 to the four proposed today — is needed to adequately cover second and third shift operations on a 24/7 basis.

Throughout the recent round of discussions, the Town Board has asserted it is ready and willing to engage in discussions with the village – but there is a caveat.

“As long as there aren’t any additional costs incurred by our taxpayers, I’m fine,” Town Supervisor Tim Szeklinski commented.

Hincz backed up that statement, saying he had no intention of bringing additional costs to the town because of a joint arrangement.

At Monday night’s board meeting, Ditscheit did not comment directly on the ongoing talks between the town and village. But he did express support when the issue was first deliberated last month.

At that time, Ditscheit said he sees value in the two Waterfords putting on a unified policing service, which he suggested would benefit residents in both municipalities.

“There’s many areas where we could be working together,” Ditscheit commented at the time. “This would be a start.”

Further discussion and possible action may take place when the Town Board next meets in May.



  1. God help the Village, the town force has a lot of goofs on it.

  2. Village Resident

    So the town gives rough numbers to the village during the last village meetings via Tom Ditscheit who admits his service will cost more than the current services provided by the Sheriff. Now during the town’s meeting there are no numbers discussed, and there is no contract drawn up yet? Pipe dreams are discussed, and concerns are brought up that town taxpayers might have to foot some of the bill? And this has a deadline to the village at their Apr. 27th-ish board meeting with no contract drawn up yet? Very interesting!!!

    Please tell us Tom, what is the value of your, “Unified Policing?” What vision do you have? Where could we be working together? Don’t you already work together with the Sheriff? Please, enlighten us in the village how services by your 5 full-time and 18 or so part time force will be greater than our current services. Who will be responsible for these 4 FTE employees? My understanding is the command and supervision of your agency consists of you and a Sergeant. Will he be working 24/7?

    Please detail the term FTE employee. Will these new hires in fact be 12 or more part time employees filling the equivalent of 3 or 4 full time positions? Is this term being thrown around hiding something? Makes me wonder which full time employee is more expensive per/hour…a deputy or a town officer? Why can’t you fill these contract spots with a full time police officer from the town? So many red flags…

    Who exactly will be staffing these positions? Just out of the academy 20 something’s? Retired police men and women? Active duty but supplementing their current full-time pay?

    Sounds to me like a unified approach would consist of the town getting a bid from the Sheriff and seriously consider having ALL of Waterford patrolled by the Sheriff Department.

  3. A source close to the arrangement says there is a contract and it has been turned over to the Village board. Those present at theTown Board meeting know there’s one, with specific numbers. The Town would hire new officers, probably a combination of new and experienced officers, just as any agency would, including the Sherff’s Dept. A combination of full and part-time employee’s, are used by many department’s throught the state. It sounds like a great cost saving measure, when utilized correctly.

    I’ll admit, it’s pretty sad that Village may be willing to spend more money to get rid of the Sheriff’s Department, their service is obviously poor, for the Village to consider replacing them.
    I heard that Rochester and Union Grove was even considering dumping them too!