Waterford Union High School presents their bi-annual spring musical, “Pippin,” a musical written by Stephen Schwartz (of “Wicked” fame). It’s the story of a young prince and his search for his meaning and purpose in life.
The Performance Troupe, led by the Leading Player, help guide him through his journey. The setting is a Medieval/1970s fusion, filled with vibrant colors! Fantastic music, great choreography and thought-provoking drama and humor, make this a perfect musical theater experience for all.
Performance dates are Thursday-Saturday, March 19-21 at 7:30 p.m. and a Sunday matinee, March 22, at 2 p.m.
Ticket prices are $7 for adults; $5, for students and seniors; free for children under age 5. For ticket information, call (262) 534-3150!
The shows will be performed by students at Waterford High School, 100 Field Drive, Waterford. Information: (262) 534-3189