
WGSD to hold 4K registration March 25

Parents with children who turn 4 years of age by Sept. 1, 2015 are invited to register for Waterford’s new 4-year-old kindergarten program.

A 4K registration will be held in the Trailside Elementary School library on Wednesday, March 25, from 1 p.m. until 7 p.m.

Parents interested in registering children should bring the following two documents: child’s immunization records and birth certificate (photocopies accepted).

Parents will also schedule a screening for their child. Screenings will be held in May 2015.

The 4K program is available for children who live within the Waterford Graded School District boundaries and will be held within the Waterford Graded schools. Local childcare centers including but not limited to Today’s Child, Rainbow Preschool may host 4K as well.

This is a no-cost program. Transportation to and from school may be provided for students who need it.

4K students will be attending school and will be provided with instruction through certified teachers.

Early math and literacy skills will be taught, and the students will strengthen their speaking, listening and motor skills.

Waterford Graded School District representatives will be available to answer questions at the March 25 4K registration.

Any questions prior should be directed to Jennifer Velleux at (262) 514-8210 or at [email protected].


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