Waterford Lions set for July 4 celebration
The Waterford Lions Club has organized an explosion of red, white and blue patriotism the celebrate Independence Day on Thursday, July 4.
The celebration will again be highlighted by the annual parade with a theme of “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.”
The main parade steps off at 11 a.m. Due to road construction the traditional route has been changed. The 2019 parade will proceed from the intersection of Seventh and Main streets to Milwaukee Street and turn north to Fox Mead Crossing.
The popular kids parade featuring children and their decorated bicycles and wagons will begin at 10:30 a.m. and will proceed north along Milwaukee Street from Main Street.
There is still time to enter the main parade or the kids parade. People, organizations and businesses are welcome to enter floats, vehicles, tractors, bands or other units, according to organizers.
If interested in participating in the main parade, people may register online at waterfordlionsclub.org or contact parade chairman Scott Gunderson at 414-581-3157. Entries can be made right up to July 4. Check-in for the main parade is from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. at Fifth and Aber streets.
Participants in the kids parade, sponsored by the Lioness Club may download a registration form at WaterfordLionsClub.org or register on site beginning at 9:30 a.m. July 4. Children are encouraged to decorate their bikes, wagons and themselves in patriotic fashion. The participants judged best decorated will win ice cream and gift certificates from McDonald’s.
This year the Lions Club will host a Great Duck Raffle in conjunction with the July 4 activities. Duck raffle pins will be sold along the parade route or can be purchased from any Waterford Lions Club member. The raffle drawing will be held at 1:30 p.m. at the Lions Food Stand.
Proceeds from the Great Duck Raffle will help pay parade expenses.
Due to road construction, the River City 4th Fest 5K Walk/Run will not be held this year.