WUHS to host two events on Dec. 11 and 12
After not being able to host its annual Madrigal Dinner last year, Waterford Union High School will resume the tradition this year on Dec. 11 and 12.
The Madrigal Dinner is a two-and-a-half hour dinner theater show with a nine-course meal. Attendees are swept back to England in the 1500’s to join the feast as community members who are invited to dine at Queen Elizabeth’s castle.
Tickets are still available for the Sunday dinner at $45 each. Ticket purchase information is available on the school district’s website at waterforduhs.k12.wi.us.
The event takes place in the old gymnasium. Entertainment will be provided by Waterford students throughout the night and the food will be prepared by the WUHS culinary students.
In order to produce this event, the school is looking for volunteers. If you are interested in being part of the show, please reach out to Derek Machan ([email protected]) or you can sign up directly at www.tinyurl.com/wuhscpa. Some of the tasks for which volunteers are needed include dishwashers, set builders, seamstress, backstage help, and clean up crew.