Waterford area set for Independence Day weekend
Residents of the Waterford area will have ample opportunity to celebrate Independence Day this weekend.
The Tichigan Fireworks Committee will celebrate 50 years of over-the-water pyrotechnics with a fireworks show on Saturday night. The Waterford Lions Club will host its annual parade in the village’s downtown at 11 a.m. Sunday.
Here’s a closer look at the individual events:
Tichigan fireworks
The Tichigan Lake Fireworks committee will blast off a 50-year tradition with its annual display at dusk on Saturday, July 3. Boaters and shoreline spectators can expect the biggest show yet, according to volunteers, who have set a goal to raise $30,000 this year in celebration of the milestone anniversary.
Boaters can access public launches at Huening Park on North River Street or the Tichigan Lake public boat launch off Bridge Drive.
Spectators may also view the display from land at Town of Waterford Park on Jensen Parkway.
The display is brought to the community through volunteer hours and donations. Donations are collected throughout the year.
Those who wish to support the effort may send checks to Tichigan Lake Fireworks, 28806 Irma Court, Waterford, WI 53185. Merchandise is also for sale at JD’s Taste of Texas, 28837 Beach Drive, Waterford.
For more information, or to volunteer, visit tichiganlakefireworks.com.
Waterford parade
The Lions Club will host a kids’ parade and a main parade on Sunday, July 4. The theme for both parades is “Let Freedom Ring.”
The main parade steps off at 11 a.m. and will proceed from 7th and Main streets to Milwaukee Street and turn north to Trailside. Check in is from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. at 5th and Aber streets. If interested in participating in the parade, please use the entrant registration form provided below or contact parade chairman Scott Gunderson at 414-581-3157. While early
Entries will be accepted right up to the start of the parade. As in the past, all entrants that wish to be judged will be eligible to win a cash prize.
The kids’ parade begins at 10:30 a.m. from the intersection of Milwaukee and Main streets and proceeds north to Fox Mead Crossing.
Young participants are invited to decorate their bikes, wagons, trikes, and themselves in patriotic fashion. Winners of the best-decorated entries will receive ice cream and gift certificates from Uncle Harry’s Frozen Custard.
Contact Scott Gunderson at 414-581-3157 for parade entry information.
Duck Pin raffle tickets will be sold along the parade route by Lions Club of Waterford members. The annual event offers a long list of cash prizes.
Proceeds from the Duck Pin raffle help pay for the parade expenses. Additional proceeds are also returned to the community through donation to local food banks.