A community is known by its school system. Quality public education is crucial to the growth and success of that community. Burlington can be proud of the fine reputation our schools have enjoyed for many years. If that reputation suffers, so does Burlington and right now, that good reputation is at stake.
As the owner of a local retail business, I have rarely, if ever, taken a public stand during an election. My position has been to support and admire those who run for and hold public office. However, since the last School Board election I have observed, with dismay, the actions of two members who are supported by the WeVote organization.
In a democracy, a local opposition is necessary. WeVote does not represent loyalty, teamwork or compromise; shameful disrespect and vicious accusations of teachers are among their tactics. It is apparent that seizing control of the board is their primary goal.
Burlington has an excellent staff of teachers and administrators. They require our support and need our respect to accomplish their mission of providing the best education possible for our children.
The continuous contentious attacks on teachers by WeVote members are well known to other districts. From reliable sources we know that their talent scouts have been contacting many of our teachers. We will lose some of Burlington’s best educators to other school districts if this petty jealousy and rhetoric does not end.
The state has passed legislation giving school boards the tools to keep public employee compensation in line with the present day economy. It is up to us to elect people who will wisely implement that power and, at the same time, provide high quality education in our schools, not just enough to get by.
April 2 is voting day. Beware of who you vote for. Larry Anderson is well-respected throughout the state for his understanding of the fiscal problems facing schools.
Jim Bousman can provide a fresh approach to solving or complex financial issues. We can trust them to do the best job for the school district and the community.
Walt Uebele,
Walt, thank you for your honest opinion. It seems as if the WeVote folks have been getting so much press because they are constantly accusing any one who does not agree with them of breaking laws when no laws are broken. It makes me feel unwelcome in my own community if I ever dare to say something that doesn’t fit their extreme views. More and more moderates, like yourself, are taking a stand against their mean spirited tactics. I know that my neighbors and I have varied opinions about many things, but I do not have to go to war with them for not matching me note for note. Perhaps, it’s time for the WeVote PAC to dissolve and just let the more reasoned discussions return. No more labeling someone as a “lefty” or a “righty” or a liberal (as if it were a dirty word) or as a conservative (as if it were another name for narrow minded). We will return to finding out the facts; getting to know the people involved; and making careful choices; all the while respecting the careful choices of others.
Excellent letter. This election will define who we are as a community. Do we believe that the education of our children, and our neighbour’s children, is a critical part of our responsibility as a communty? Or are we going to cave in to the selfishness, meanspiritedness, and pettiness of the tea party and their local hero Scott Walker. It should be obvious by now that the anti education policies of Scott Walker have caused this great state to have the worst jobs record in the nation. And for what, a scorched earth policy toward the education of our children and our future.
God Mervin, will you just shut up…
we vote’s true colors shining through. Oppression of free speech. Keep talking Mervin! The more you talk, the less we vote talks. They just throw insults at you, which makes them look worse in the eye of the voters, or they just clam up and refuse to be interviewed because they have nothing of substance to offer.
That’s a false statement. Mervin typically doesn’t use sound judgement when opening his mouth. When he does he rarely backs anything up he says and of course will chastise folks who actually try to make a difference vs. actually run for office himself. He claims education is of tremendous importance to him, unsure why he doesn’t put his money where his mouth is and actually run for the school board. He is worse than Vikki View Petersen or perhaps almost the same. Both are extremely uneducated when it comes to the reality of local politics/government. Two of the biggest jokes this community has ever seen. I would love to see them actually run for office and see them open themselves up to public comment like this, but I know that wont happen, they are just spectators. Spectators stand on the sidelines shaking their heads. I would love for them to explain their the position of sitting on the sidelines shaking their head?