Sports & Other News


City mulls changes to refuse contract

But official warns options for garbage, recycling may be limited By Jason Arndt Editor City of Burlington officials began discussions about whether to remain with John’s Disposal, or seek another contractor, for trash and recyclables collection within the municipality and could decide as early as Nov. 5. Peter Riggs, Director […]


New middle school construction set to begin

School Board advances construction plans By Jennifer Eisenbart Correspondent With fall temperatures and related weather issues fast approaching, the Burlington Area School District gave its official stamp of approval to start construction on the new incarnation of Nettie Karcher Middle School Monday night. In a special meeting, the board unanimously […]

Catholic Central High School Sports

Happy Homecoming

Toppers overcome eight fumbles to stay in playoff hunt By Mike Ramczyk Correspondent Eight total fumbles. Six lost. That’s right, six, count ‘em, SIX turnovers. Have you ever heard of a team winning under those circumstances? Not often, but Friday night was a different story. Catholic Central overcame a rough […]


‘Two traditions; one school’

Catholic school merger has goal to honor past, improve future By Jason Arndt Editor Unifying two Catholic grade schools is often a challenging task because each of the schools has longstanding traditions. That was certainly the case in Burlington where the community’s two Catholic schools had long histories woven with […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      To an outsider, merging Burlington’s Catholic grade schools makes sense. However, that doesn’t mean the process was without hurdles. Foremost is the fact that St. Mary Grade School and St. Charles Grade School each had a long history that is tied together with a strong rope of school pride. […]