Sports & Other News


In this week’s Standard Press…

      A little over a year ago when the members of the Burlington Senior Center moved into their new facility they knew they faced a whole new set of challenges. The expectation from their new landlord – the City of Burlington – was that they create revenue streams from their […]


A man of few equals

Azarian remembered as gifted wrestler and leader By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief       Waterford Union High School graduate and state runner-up wrestler Anthony D. Azarian died Monday in Milwaukee when the forklift he was operating plunged more that 80 feet down a freight elevator shaft.       Azarian, 32, of […]


City officials discover costly error

Wastewater operation missed out on $609,000 in revenue By Jason Arndt Editor When city officials started implementing a 3 percent wastewater rate increase for 2019, they uncovered a costly error accounting for at least $609,000 of lost revenue from specific customers in Burlington. Director of Public Works Peter Riggs said […]


Wind topples church steeple

Damage to church building was minor, pastor says By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief Officials at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Burlington got a humbling lesson in the awesome power of nature at the expense of the church steeple early Feb. 25. The narrow, 18-foot-long steeple atop the nearly 40-year-old […]


Village plans to go big

Billboards, websites eyed to advertise Waterford By Dave Fidlin Correspondent The virtues of making the Village of Waterford a place to live, work and play could be featured on high-profile billboards on interstates 43 and 94 as part of an effort moving forward. Village Administrator Zeke Jackson and the Village […]


Charges against travel agent dismissed

Charges of theft and identify theft against an area travel agent were dismissed Thursday in Racine County Circuit Court. Prosecutors with the district attorney’s office alleged in a criminal complaint filed Jan. 31 that Melanie Langley, 60, of Burlington, used the credentials of her former employer, Bon Voyage Cruise and […]