Sports & Other News

Voters' Guide

Walker closes the gap

Governor predicted growing economy would help campaign draw even By Jason Arndt Editor Although Gov. Scott Walker was down by five points in polls back in September, the Republican incumbent said at the time he was confident his campaign could close the gap by focusing on the growing economy and […]

Voters' Guide

Evers stakes future on kids

What’s best for children is best for state, he says By Jason Arndt Staff writer Democratic challenger Tony Evers and incumbent Republican Gov. Scott Walker are locked in a neck-and-neck race for the state’s highest office with mere days remaining before the Nov. 6 election. Recent polls have shown the […]


Federal authorities investigating plane crash

Pilot from Illinois escaped unharmed By Jason Arndt Editor The Federal Aviation Administration has started its investigation into the crash of a seaplane, which ended up in Camp Lake on Monday, before the pilot swam ashore and got a ride home to Illinois. Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth said the […]


Spook-tacular day

      Brenda Smage, of Jolly Giants in Madison, towers over the crowd at Wehmhoff Square Park in downtown Burlington Oct. 27 during the annual Spooky City. The event attracted visitors from throughout the area for a costume parade, hayrides and trick or treating at downtown businesses. (Photo by Jason Arndt)


In this week’s Standard Press…

      The Burlington Area School District will ask voters on Tuesday to support a $43.7 million facilities referendum that includes funding for a new middle school. Most voters likely assume that if the referendum passes school property taxes will go up. However, that doesn’t appear to be the case in […]