Sports & Other News

Union Grove

Little dribblers

Members of the Union Grove Dribble Club perform for the crowd during halftime of the Jan. 12 varsity girls game between Union Grove and Lake Geneva Badger at Union Grove High School. (Photo by Heather Ruenz)


Local Catholic schools to become one

Unification plan will roll out over next two years By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief Burlington’s two Catholic grade schools have begun the process of unification following the official release last week of a recommendation from a committee that has been studying the proposal the past nine months. St. Charles […]



Weird weather – rain then snow – made plowing difficult By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief Normally a double-digit snowfall in January is just another day in a Wisconsin winter. But, on Monday, the Burlington area experienced unseasonably warm temperatures and thundershowers a few scant hours before getting buried under […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

So was it the rain, thunder, lighting or nine-plus inches of snow that made Tuesday’s road clean up so difficult for Burlington street crews? Get the breakdown on the plowing operation in this week’s edition of the Burlington Standard Press. Readers will also find out why Burlington’s two Catholic grade […]


City to haul away snow late Wednesday night

Residents, business owners asked to keep vehicles off streets The City of Burlington Department of Public Works is scheduled to remove snow from the city’s downtown area  starting at 10 p.m. Wednesday. City officials request that all cars be removed from the streets indicated in blue on the map below. Parking […]