Sports & Other News

Waterford High School

A life in sports: Waterford’s Stobber wins Athletic Director of the Year

  By Andrew Horschak Correspondent Calling herself “the luckiest person in athletics,” Jill Stobber has been a successful high school and college athlete, a coach, a trainer and an athletic director. Make that an award-winning athletic director. At the recent Wisconsin Athletic Directors Association spring caucus in Fort Atkinson, Stobber, […]


A ‘career’ for the kids

Campbell logged 31 years on the School Board   By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief As Bill Campbell closed the screen on his school district-issued laptop computer for the last time Monday night, he couldn’t help but marvel at how education has advanced in his lifetime. At the age of […]

Union Grove

Election review: Two upsets and a draw

Lena unseats Lembcke in Town of Dover By Dave Fidlin Correspondent With spring election season now in the rear-view mirror, results across Western Racine County have revealed several upsets and an unusual occurrence. Two veteran municipal leaders are leaving their posts this month as the results shake out and another […]


Little bite for this bark

Rochester resident gets kennel license, despite noise concerns By Dave Fidlin Correspondent A Village of Rochester resident has been awarded a new kennel license, though nearby residents’ noise concerns have prompted additional overtures aimed at containing and shielding the chorus of barking and yipping. Deedria Schaal, who owns a home […]