Sports & Other News


WGSD board digging into district policies

Revisions expected to bring district up to date By Dave Fidlin Correspondent From teaching to technology, officials within the Waterford Graded School District are in the midst of a wholesale overhaul of the School Board’s policies, which touch on a range of issues impacting students, staffers and the entire community. […]

Union Grove

Zelich appears in Minnesota court

Ex-cop still has body dumping charges in Walworth County By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Although a former West Allis police officer still has charges pending in Walworth County Circuit Court, the 55-year-old man appeared in Olmsted, Minn., County Circuit Court, where he stands accused of killing 37-year-old Laura Simonson, according […]


A real civics lesson

BHS students volunteer as election inspectors By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor For those casting their votes at the polls in the city and town of Burlington Tuesday, youthful faces were highly visible. Students from Burlington High School – most from teacher Josh Dow’s AP American Government and Politics class and others […]


Songs for a New World

      The cast of the the Haylofters current musical, “Songs for a New World,” (front, from left) Patrick Schneider, Jordan Debbink, Abby Galstad, Lydia Eiche; and (back row) Sheri Warren and Joe Nolan rehearse recently at the Malt House Theater in Burlington. According to Director Joyce Lee, the contemporary song […]


A fitting salute to vets for Veterans Day

Korean War Veteran Ron Borowski salutes flag during the National Anthem at the Veterans Day program in Waterford at Fox River Middle School Nov. 4. Borowski spoke about the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight at the event. (Photo by Jennifer Eisenbart) Middle school students honor military service By Tracy Ouellette […]


Touched by the light

      Sunset paints a soothing orange light on this field and barn along Highway 20 in the Town of Dover recently. Daylight is a fleeting this this time of year as it dwindles toward the winter solstice on Dec. 21. (Photo by Jennifer Eisenbart)


Area Republicans ride red wave

Results even amaze state’s Assembly leader By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief Consider state Assembly Speaker Robin Vos – a seasoned veteran in the halls of the state capitol and political junkie since grade school ­– among those who were amazed by the results of Tuesday’s election. “It’s a fantastic […]


Tidal wave: pool referendum wins by huge margin

The advisory referendum asking City of Burlington residents whether they support spending up to $5.4 million to replace a crumbling 50-year-old community swimming pool rode a tidal wave to victory in Tuesday’s election, according to unofficial results reported by the City of Burlington. The referendum question won support of nearly […]