Sports & Other News

Burlington News

New facility for construction students OK’d

By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor A new learning environment for the Burlington High School Architecture, Construction and Engineering Academy students was approved Monday night. The Burlington Area School District School Board Buildings, Grounds and Transportation Committee approved the $306,502 project, which involves moving the students out of a 1,200-square-foot classroom at […]

Burlington News

School options presented

By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor With costs now before the Burlington Area School District School Board, the narrowing of options on the district’s facilities study is about to start. After a presentation by Nick Kent of Plunkett Raysich Architects Monday night, the board set an Oct. 31 meeting date to narrow […]

Burlington News

Pool has been a boon for Elkhorn

New facility has seen booming attendance, strong revenues By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor As Nov. 8 draws near and more people in the City of Burlington start to weigh in on the possibly of a new community pool, local officials have turned to their neighbor to the west for some advice […]


Autumn’s artistry

Autumn’s palette of color – shrill oranges, mellow yellows, and soothing browns – splashed across the countryside via a brush wielded by Mother Nature are as impressive as they are fleeting in this scene from the Town of Spring Prairie in Walworth County. (Photo by Ed Nadolski)