Sports & Other News


Where eagles fly

This bald eagle is one of at least four that were spotted along the Fox River in Rochester last week. The sight of the majestic birds created a spectacle for drivers who stopped along Highway W to view the eagles near the site of the former Coral Reef restaurant. (Photo […]

Burlington News

4K becomes hot-button issue

By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor With candidates drawing lots for the Burlington Area School District School Board election Monday night, it might have been fitting that a hot-button topic jam-packed the room at the district office. With news that opposition planned to use the residents’ speaking time at the beginning of […]


Gas prices expected to remain steady

Average retail gasoline prices in Wisconsin have risen 2.4 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.26 per gallon yesterday, according to GasBuddy’s daily survey of 3,112 gas outlets in Wisconsin. This compares with the national average that has fallen 0.4 cents per gallon in the last week to […]

Burlington News

ARAMARK deposits under investigation in BASD

The Burlington Area School District alerted parents Friday of a police investigation into the BASD food service fund following a “bank deposit irregularity” in December. Superintendent Peter Smet said that a complete audit of the food service fund is underway by the City of Burlington Police Deparment, and that ARAMARK […]