Sports & Other News


City eyes expanded study of Echo Lake

Results would help council determine future of dam, lake By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Community members, at times, have expressed concerns related to ongoing issues on Echo Lake ranging from degradation of recreational use as well as algae blooms. The issues, according to city officials, have resulted in a need […]


Back to (almost) normal

District unveils plan for return to full-time class By Jason Arndt Staff Writer The Burlington Area School District unveiled plans on how students in grades seven through 12 will return to class beginning on April 6. The unveiling comes after the School Board voted to return students to five in-person […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      Burlington’s Echo Lake and the Echo Lake dam go hand-in-hand. You can’t have one without the other. Using that reasoning, city officials are recommending a proposal that will include a study of Echo Lake – namely the sediment at the bottom of the lake – along with a study […]

Union Grove

Family escapes fire on property

Burned building was 50 feet from primary residence A Racine County Sheriff’s deputy woke members of a Yorkville family early Wednesday morning and evacuated them from their home as an adjacent building of their property burned. The building – a former farmhouse that was no longer occupied – was fully […]


Officials unveil county vaccination clinic

COVID-19 vaccine availability continues to expand locally By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Local and state officials strongly encouraged Racine County residents to seek a COVID-19 vaccine on Tuesday when the Wisconsin Department of Health Services opened a community-based vaccination clinic in the City of Racine. County officials previously said the […]


Long overdue honor

Waterford Union High School Superintendent Lucas Francois presents an honorary diploma to World War II veteran Raymond Schaefer during a March 18 celebration at the school. Schaefer, 96, now of Franklin, set aside his ambition to graduate in 1943 while a student at Racine County School of Agriculture and Domestic […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      Most Burlington residents didn’t grow up knowing what it’s like to be a member of a minority group. Alex Hanesakda did. But, as his father taught him, he put his head down and ignored people who targeted him because of his Asian background. That code of silence ended last […]


City eyes full upgrade for Maryland Ave.

Council poised to OK plan for sidewalks, bike lanes, trail By Jason Arndt Staff Writer The Burlington Common Council will consider awarding a bid to Wanasek Corporation, of Burlington, for the 2021 Street Improvement program with Maryland Avenue reconstruction as the primary project. Wanasek, according to Director of Public Works […]