Sports & Other News


Extended learning

Connor Smith (in front) leads University of Wisconsin–Madison A Capella group Redefined in the song “Some Days” during a performance at Burlington High School April 26 as part of UW Extension Day. Right: Lindsay Kraemer (left) makes a button pin under the instruction of UW Extension employee Thomas Zinnen at […]


Graded School Board elects officers

By Tracy Ouellette Staff Writer The Waterford Graded School Board the board thanked outgoing member Blaine Nicholls for his service to the School District and the community and swore in new members Dawn Bleimehl and re-elected member Robert Kastengren at its monthly meeting April 22. The board also elected new […]


Move over Eli Whitney and Thomas Edison

Student wheels spin at Invention Convention Fourth-graders at Washington-Caldwell showed off their inner Edison last week during the school’s annual Invention Convention. A decade-old tradition that began with teacher Char Wegner, the Invention Convention allows students to examine ways of making every-day tasks more efficient, much like Eli Whitney with […]