A community is known by its school system. Quality public education is crucial to the growth and success of that community. Burlington can be proud of the fine reputation our schools have enjoyed for many years. If that reputation suffers, so does Burlington and right now, that good reputation […]
Sports & Other News
Psst…did you hear about the donkey that tossed its rider?
Burlington High School students Kit Kocha (left) and Hanna Peterson prepare to participate in a game of donkey basketball sponsored by the school’s FFA organization March 21 at the school. (Photo by Jennifer Eisenbart)
These doctors specialize in melting hearts
Nora Kebbekus (left) and Courtney Kouba, kindergarteners Rolling Hills School in Mukwonago, check their heartbeats during a visit to the Aurora Wellness Center in Burlington March 22. The students also enjoyed interacting with puppets, singing songs, and hand-on activities. The staff at the wellness center teaches the children about stranger […]
District, teachers union exchange wage proposals
Sides must settle for 2012-13 before addressing next school year By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer The Burlington Area School District and the Burlington Education Association officially exchanged opening wage offers for the 2012-13 contract period on March 18. The group then went into closed session to negotiate. The two groups […]
Hello and goodbye: mixed reactions to McDonald’s
By Julie Rossman Correspondent Plans for a Union Grove McDonald’s are on a fast track, following recent approval from the Union Grove Village Board and the Community Development Authority to allow McDonald’s to build a stand-alone restaurant at 835 15th Avenue (Highway 11). Village President Mike Aimone said McDonald’s hopes […]
Three vie for two seats on Graded School Board
By Patricia Bogumil Editor One incumbent and two challengers are vying for election to the Waterford Graded School District Board in the April 2 election. Two seats will be filled. Incumbent Blaine Nicholls is not seeking re-election. Information provided by each candidate follows. • Robert Kastengren, the incumbent, said he […]
Crosswalk plan for Pine Street moves ahead
Kwik Trip agrees to pay half the cost of crossing; property owners will help foot the bill for sidewalks By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer As the City of Burlington Common Council held public hearings March 19 to finalize plans to use special assessments to cover the costs of new sidewalks […]
Not so fast – School Board backtracks on setting its own pay
By Tracy Ouellette Staff writer Setting your own salary? Isn’t that a little like letting the fox in the hen house? That question was among those asked Monday night at a lively meeting of the Waterford Graded School District Board. Resident Brian Klemko, who lives in the Town of Norway […]
Gas prices lower than a year ago
Average retail gasoline prices in Wisconsin have risen 1.4 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.69 yesterday, according to GasBuddy’s daily survey of 3,112 gas outlets in Wisconsin. This compares with the national average that has fallen 2.5 cents per gallon in the last week to $3.64, according […]
Burlington is prime area for public safety center
But Gateway proposal has a long way to go before it has a chance to become reality By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief So is Burlington one of the sites under consideration for Gateway Technical College’s proposed $15.6 million public safety training center? You bet it is. But don’t get […]