Sports & Other News


As busy as Easter bunnies

Burlington High School students Claire Halverson (left) and Raquel Glinos help to fill plastic eggs with candy recently in preparation for the annual Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the school’s DRIVEN student leadership organization. Students were expected to fill approximately 10,000 eggs. The egg hunt is planned for Saturday, March […]


High-flying kid

Reid Runkel of Burlington goes airborne as he competes in the Showdown at Sundown event March 15 at the Grand Geneva in Lyons. Runkel finished fourth in that event and took seventh-place overall all in the national Nielsen Enterprises Grand Finale competition in the Junior Novice 10-13 age division. (Photo […]


It’s Tim or Tom for town chairman

By Patricia Bogumil Editor Town of Waterford residents will soon select a new town chairman as a result of the retirement next month of Robert Langmesser, who has served 25 years in that position. The two candidates vying for the town chairman position in the April 2 election currently serve […]


Engineering success

BASD positions technical education program for future By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer When Burlington Area School District first started using Project Lead the Way certification years ago, it was cutting edge. Now, as the district works to align its technology education for grades 7-12, the new acronym is STEM – […]


City site OK’d for quarrying

Plan is to eventually use it for industrial expansion By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer After the City of Burlington Common Council approved the annexation of property on South Pine Street across from the Department of Public Works facility, a working plan for at least part of the property received preliminary […]