Sports & Other News


Grace under pressure

Burlington Combined gymnast Lauren Otter performs on the floor exercise at the Falcon Invite Saturday. The local team swept most of the top finishes at the meet, but finished second in the team competition. (Photo by Jennifer Eisenbart)


Illegal tobacco sales exceed 2011 rate

Official says restricting access to minors is the key By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief Retailers in western Racine County illegally sold tobacco products to minors at numbers greater than their counterparts on the east side of the county, according to compliance checks conducted in 2012 by WI Wins. Information […]


Gas prices continue to fall in state

Average retail gasoline prices in Wisconsin have fallen 4.1 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.17 per gallon Sunday, according to a daily survey of 3,112 gas outlets in Wisconsin. This compares with the national average that has not moved in the last week to $3.26, according to […]


WSD budget cuts benefit costs

By Patricia Bogumil Editor Members of the Town of Waterford Sanitary District (WSD) board unanimously approved their proposed 2013 budget at a public hearing held Dec. 12. The budget features sharp cuts in employee insurance and retirement costs for the District, two issues that were prominent in an August 2012 […]


Council rezones site for apartment complex

Developer plans to start project in 2013 By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer The City of Burlington Common Council unanimously approved a number of resolutions, ordinances and motions Jan. 2 – including the re-zoning of property on Bridge Street to allow for a new apartment complex. After a brief discussion about […]