Sports & Other News


Town OKs pawn shop

Owner says he’ll offer an alternative to high-interest payday loan stores By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer Joe Fox has owned a property at 30349 Durand Avenue for a few years now. What he has now gotten a chance to do with that property might offer people in the area a […]


Photo shopping turns negative

Man charged with taking pictures under woman’s dress By Tracy Ouellette Staff Writer During a family outing to the grocery story Aug. 19, a Waterford man was allegedly caught using his cell phone to take photographs under the skirt of a female shopper. According to the criminal complaint filed in […]


No gripes here about school lunch

Students have protested federal restrictions at other schools By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer While there has been some kerfuffle at other area school districts over the new USDA guidelines for school lunches, Burlington Area School District seems to be experiencing none of that. BASD Assistant Superintendent Connie Zinnen said last […]

Union Grove

A special place to play

  New playground at Union Grove Elementary School serves students with special needs A new playground was constructed at Union Grove Elementary School specifically designed to serve children with special needs. The new playground features equipment built lower to the ground with the surface beneath it made of a specialized […]


Gas prices drop at near record pace

Average retail gasoline prices in Wisconsin have fallen 17.6 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.54 per gallon yesterday. This compares with the national average that has fallen 9 cents per gallon in the last week to $3.67, according to gasoline price website Including the change in […]


District examines impact of test scores

Although above state average, there’s room for improvement By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer Members of the Burlington Area School District administration have been stressing all year that test scores – tests given once a year, at what may or may not be a good time – provide a narrow snapshot […]


Back to school

Catholic Central High School invited grandparents of students to experience the modern classroom during Grandparents Day Oct. 11. Sitting in on science class are (from left) Ted Milligan, Clem Jablonski, Samantha Milligan, Sue Milligan and Jobe Wagner.  The event, which included classroom visits, band and choir performances, a Mass and […]

Union Grove Waterford

Looking for a fight

Union Grove teen caught with brass knuckles, switchblade at Waterford High School By Tracy Ouellette Staff Writer A 17-year-old Union Grove teen is facing felony and misdemeanor weapons charges for selling a set of brass knuckles that contained a switchblade to a Waterford Union High School student in February. According […]