Sports & Other News


Mailboxes on the move

City finds solution for drive-up mail drop off By Ed Nadolski Editor in chief After several years of having to park and get out of their cars to mail letters, Burlington residents will soon have drive-up mailboxes once again. Jill Ehlen, delivery supervisor at the Burlington Post Office, said Tuesday […]


Veronico’s to vanish

Owners of local restaurant plan to end 9-year run on May 24 By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff writer Veronico’s co-owner Maria Veronico confirmed Tuesday afternoon that the final day of operation for the downtown Burlington restaurant will be Thursday, May 24. She said the three owners – her, Dr. Thomas Niccolai […]

Your views

LETTER: WeVote does not endorse boycotts of local businesses

                    The community in Burlington seems to be misinformed somehow regarding the movements and the protesting of WeVote Burlington.  So I would like to take the time to set the record straight.                   1. The WeVote mission statement endorses limited government while promoting personal liberty; demands responsibility and accountability […]