Janice Bear, Mukwonago, also known as “Mama Bear,” tells spooky stories to children at Union Grove’s Great Pumpkinfest at the Union Grove High School on Saturday. In addition to storytelling, there were costume, baking and pumpkin carving contests, a pet photo contest, games and refreshments. The event was sponsored by […]
Sports & Other News
Raymond man’s thriving business goes to pot
Deputies find nearly a ton of marijuana, sophisticated operations By Tracy Ouellette Staff writer After what officials are calling the biggest drug bust in the area’s history and possibly the state, a 44-year-old Raymond Township man remained in Racine County Jail as of Wednesday morning on a $1 million cash […]
Burger haven to get more seating, a new kitchen
By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff writer If you’ve been anywhere near downtown Burlington lately – and more importantly, had a craving for a burger – you will have noticed a little change. Fred’s Parkview – a local restaurant that has boasted that it has “the world’s best burgers” now for 31 […]
Voters support tax levy increase
After school district electors voted down keeping a flat tax levy Monday night — and a challenge by opponents to try and stop another vote on the tax levy increase — the voters overwhelming approved the proposed tax levy of $20.37 million as originally proposed by the Burlington Area School […]
Santa breakfast tickets available Nov. 5
The 26th annual Breakfast With Santa and Elves, sponsored by the Greater Union Grove Area Chamber of Commerce is Saturday, Dec. 3. The first serving is at 9 a.m., and the second serving is at 11 a.m., at the Masonic Temple, 1021 – 11th Ave., Union Grove. Tickets go on […]
School Board members struggle with decision
Public meeting on tax levy is Monday night at BHS By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff writer The last two months have provided an interesting insight into the inner workings of the Burlington Area School District budget process – and into the impact grassroots political organizations can have. But when it comes […]
Bones, jewelry and more at library
Dennis McCann presents: “Badger Boneyards,” on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 6:30 p.m. The bodies are buried, but the stories are not. From the ornate tombs of Milwaukee beer barons to displaced Chippewa graves and miniscule family plots, Badger Boneyards: The Eternal Rest of the Story unearths the stories of Wisconsin. Join […]
City readies budget for public scrutiny
Lahner says 2012 proposal will be ‘fairly austere’ By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff writer Thanks to a new addition to the City of Burlington budget process, City Administrator Kevin Lahner believes the city is significantly ahead of where it has been in the past in terms of planning. That said, Lahner […]
BHS, CCHS headed to state volleyball
Both the Burlington High School and the Catholic Central High School volleyball teams are headed back to state. BHS survived a concerted four-game challenge from Kenosha Tremper Saturday night at BHS, winning 25-17, 25-21, 23-25, 25-21. It is the Demons’ third straight trip to the WIAA Division 1 state tournament. […]
Hilltoppers survive Black Hawk, 35-34
Trailing 34-28 entering the final two minutes of the game, the Catholic Central High School football team managed to score one final time – and then hit the extra point to secure a 35-34 win over Black Hawk in a Level Two WIAA Division 7 playoff game at home Saturday. […]