Sports & Other News


Visionaries needed to strategize the future

A group of 40-plus volunteer community activists has come together to chart a course for an even better Waterford, as the community moves forward into its next hundred years. Called “Absolutely Waterford,” the group hopes to attract an even greater number of interested residents and volunteers as Waterford moves forward […]


Grassroots gathering

Local conservatives hope lobby night gives them a voice in Madison By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff writer After standing up for conservative politics during the recent Burlington Area School District budget approval process, a local group will hold its first lobbying event Saturday at the Burlington High School auditorium. The group […]


City mulls impact of concealed carry law

Banning guns in public buildings among options By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff writer Wisconsin Act 35 – which regulates, or rather, allows the carrying of concealed weapons – is set to take effect Nov. 1. The City of Burlington Common Council on Tuesday discussed the implications of the act and what […]