Sports & Other News


Demonstrators call on leaders to lift restrictions

But mayor says city won’t defy governor’s order By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Some motorists honked in support while others flashed obscene gestures at demonstrators demanding the state re-open the economy Saturday along Milwaukee Avenue in Burlington. The demonstration, or rally, called Re-Open Burlington was in opposition to Gov. Tony […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      They lined Milwaukee Avenue waving flags and holding signs with messages seeking liberty from Gov. Tony Evers’ public health orders. The protesters who showed up at Burlington’s Echo Park Saturday were clearly frustrated, but most also appeared unafraid of the threat that is the current coronavirus outbreak. Social distancing […]


To enforce or not to enforce

Local sheriffs have different takes on state’s order By Tracy Ouellette Staff Writer When Gov. Tony Evers on April 16 extended Wisconsin’s Safer-At-Home order from April 24 to May 26, it was a tough day for most of the residents of the state. Whether on the side of keeping things […]


Census continues despite COVID-19

County releases response rates, encourages completion By Jason Arndt Staff Writer The Racine County Complete Count Committee continues to move forward with the 2020 U.S. Census even amid uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. M.T. Boyle, chairperson of the committee, said there were some adjustments in how the census is promoted […]