Sports & Other News

Union Grove

A lifeline for local business

Union Grove creates small business relief program By Dave Fidlin Correspondent With muscle from an already-in-place economic development program, Union Grove officials last week announced plans to offer loans of up to $5,000 to village-based businesses facing sudden hardship from COVID-19. The Village Board held a special meeting April 6 […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      The sprawling grounds of the St. Francis Friary in Burlington are both beautiful and heartbreaking. Decades ago when the monastery was filled with friars, the picturesque property was meticulously maintained. The peaceful grottos and shrines scattered about the grounds served as a source of inspiration for visitors as well […]


Incumbents rule spring election

Waterford school police officer referendum fails by narrow margin Here’s a roundup of results of local races from the April 7 election. The results released by the Racine County clerk’s office late Monday afternoon are unofficial at this point. Racine County Board Longtime incumbents Thomas Pringle and Mike Dawson retained […]


Area’s state parks forced to close

Governor orders 40 parks to close to promote social distancing At a time when outdoor recreation is needed more than ever, 40 of Wisconsin state parks, forests and recreational areas have been ordered to close – victims of their own popularity. Gov. Tony Evers on Thursday directed the Department of […]


An election like no other

Local municipalities alter procedures to minimize spread of coronavirus By Mike Ramczyk Correspondent Amid controversy surrounding the coronavirus, Wisconsin went through with its Spring Election Tuesday, and the area took charge in promoting both worker and voter safety. The state Supreme Court late Monday overturned Gov. Tony Evers’ request to […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      With scenes that would have been right at home in a science fiction movie, voters on Tuesday braved the threat of coronavirus to cast ballots processed in many cases by poll workers in full protective garb – gowns, gloves, masks and face shields. It was an election unlike any […]


City Council to go online Wednesday

Residents can monitor meeting by computer or phone By Jason Arndt Staff Writer The Burlington Common Council plans to take its business online to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 Wednesday and residents can check in using online platform Zoom. According to the council agenda, residents looking to attend the meeting […]


Tuesday’s election is back on

Supreme Court reinstates voting; governor decries lack of safety Tuesday’s on again, off again election is now on. The Wisconsin Supreme Court on a 4-2 decision late Monday afternoon struck down an order issued just hours earlier by Gov. Tony Evers to suspend in-person voting scheduled for Tuesday and move […]


Governor suspends in-person voting…but stay tuned

Legislative leaders immediately pledge a court challenge regarding Tuesday’s scheduled vote Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers on Monday afternoon issued an executive order suspending in-person voting for Tuesday’s Spring Election. The order moves in-person voting to June 9 and calls the legislature into special session on Tuesday to discuss election-related issues. […]