Parents, student-athletes, coaches from anywhere encouraged to attend
By Mike Ramczyk
Sports Editor
College recruiting is a big boy’s game.
Many times, students and student-athletes don’t have the knowledge or resources to know when to start applying for colleges or send out their recruiting videos to college coaches.
Well, students in Burlington and surrounding areas will get a chance to have their important questions answered Tuesday, Sept. 15, at 7 p.m. in the Burlington High School Auditorium, 400 McCanna Parkway, Burlington.
Burlington High School Athletics will present an evening with recruitment guru Jack Renkens as he explores the myths and realities of college recruiting.
A press release from BHS says it is expected to be an “entertaining, humorous and informative program.”
According to Renkens, the best time to gear up your recruiting efforst is freshman year, and there are great schools all over the country looking for good athletes, good students and good kids at all times.
BHS encourages every parent, student-athlete and coach to attend, and there will be complimentary admission for all student-athletes and families, regardless of where you live or go to school.
For more information, contact Burlington High School Athletics at (262) 763-0200, ext. 1135, or simply ask for Athletic Director Eric Plitzuweit, Assistant Athletic Director Scott Hoffman or Athletic Secretary Becky Sagedal.
Mr. Renkins was asked by an entire school system in Ohio to not return after pushing parents to purchase a very expensive recruiting service he talks about in his speeches for which he receives a commission…He’s going to tell everyone there are a 1,000 schools out there and the only way to reach them is to hire a service that will email them for you…Best of luck