Team continues domination of SLC competition A cheer rang out as the Waterford Union High School Academic Team prepared to step off the bus before this year’s Southern Lakes Conference Academic Bowl on Feb. 11: “Two, four, six, eight: we are here to dominate.” And dominate they did, an expression […]
News from throughout Western Racine County.
Village plans to go big
Billboards, websites eyed to advertise Waterford By Dave Fidlin Correspondent The virtues of making the Village of Waterford a place to live, work and play could be featured on high-profile billboards on interstates 43 and 94 as part of an effort moving forward. Village Administrator Zeke Jackson and the Village […]
Charges against travel agent dismissed
Charges of theft and identify theft against an area travel agent were dismissed Thursday in Racine County Circuit Court. Prosecutors with the district attorney’s office alleged in a criminal complaint filed Jan. 31 that Melanie Langley, 60, of Burlington, used the credentials of her former employer, Bon Voyage Cruise and […]
Should dogs be allowed in city parks?
City officials debate changing current rules banning canines By Jason Arndt Editor Should the City of Burlington allow dogs in all of its parks, or maintain its current no-dogs-allowed ordinance in most parks? That was the topic of discussion at the Feb. 20 Committee of the Whole meeting. District 2 […]
In this week’s Standard Press…
So, have you noticed those signs at the entrances to City of Burlington parks warning people that dogs are not welcome? Many people have. And, depending on your viewpoint, those signs are a barrier to a welcoming community or the key to keeping parks safe and sanitary. Those different […]
Meeting set to discuss entertainment stage
The Village of Union Grove is seeking input from residents regarding plans for an entertainment stage earmarked for School Yard Park. A community meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 27, at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room at 925 15th Ave. According to officials, the village has received a $100,000 […]
Man found with 13 pounds of pot, $20,000
A Town of Lyons man is charged with six felony and two misdemeanor offenses after being found with nearly 13 pounds of marijuana and $20,000 cash in his Pleasant Street home. Donald J. Puchalski III, 25, who has a Burlington address, was charged Feb. 1 in Walworth County Circuit Court […]
Super moon rising
A super moon – dubbed the super snow moon for it’s February appearance – rises over Burlington on Tuesday evening. A super moon occurs when the full moon is at its closest to the earth on its elliptical orbit, thus appearing larger than normal. (Photo by Ed Nadolski)
Former gymnastics coach sentenced to 17 years
Kivisto, 50, took plea deal last December James Kivisto, a former gymnastics coach, will spend more than 17 years behind bars after being convicted of video recording children using the restroom at his Win Lake facility and possession of child pornography. Kivisto, 50, who pleaded guilty to some of the […]
An ‘Amazing’ journey
Local woman named Wisconsin’s Miss Amazing By Jason Arndt Editor For some girls and women, getting crowned at a pageant is just a dream, but Burlington’s Jenna Antreassian made the dream a reality last Saturday when she was named Wisconsin’s Miss Amazing. Miss Amazing, a national competition that started in […]