
News from throughout Western Racine County.


In this week’s Standard Press…

      This week’s front page is devoted to a pair of major stories for Burlington – the DPI’s ruling that Burlington public schools have not done enough to prevent racism in the system and the development of the Burlington Jamboree to replace the city’s popular ChocolateFest. The April 15 edition […]

Union Grove

Traffic won’t be a hurdle, study says

Intersections near Canopy Hill should operate ‘safely and efficiently’ By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Increased traffic on major roadways near the large-scale Canopy Hill housing development is not expected to have an adverse impact on the overall area, according to a new study, assuming several tweaks are made. Union Grove officials […]


Trimming the excess

WUHS reduces course sections for 2021-22 By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Waterford Union High School officials might be in the final stretch of winding down an unprecedented 2020-21 school year, but attention toward early-stage planning for the fall is dually underway. Administrators and the WUHS School Board on March 29 had […]

Union Grove

Signs of the times

Detour signs popped up on Highway 11 in Union Grove this week as the state Department of Transportation began preparation for reconstruction of highway on the village’s east side. The work is expected to last until late summer. The posted detour is along Highway 45 to Highway KR before rejoining […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      Burlington Area School District voters re-elected incumbent Taylor Wishau while bringing newcomer Marlo Brown to the Board of Education during Tuesday’s Spring Election. Wishau and Brown aligned their campaigns and ran with the support of the Republican Party in the race for the non-partisan positions. The strategy worked as […]


Spring Election results

  Polls close at 8 p.m. throughout Wisconsin and we’ll have results from local races as they are posted by the county clerks in Racine and Walworth counties. Check back after 8 p.m. and remember to refresh you browser often for the latest updates. All results are unofficial until canvass […]