
News from throughout Western Racine County.

Union Grove

At the market

Gail Hack and her husband Ray make a sale of produce grown on their nearby farm at the Union Grove Public Market Tuesday. Among their offerings were strawberries, raspberries, peas, potatoes and cucumbers. The market, which is sponsored by the Greater Union Grove Area Chamber of Commerce, is held each […]


Area Independence Day parades still on

Burlington will have fireworks in city, township By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Western Racine County communities still plan on holding some Fourth of July celebrations amid the COVID-19 pandemic. But there will be some modifications, according to organizers from each event. The Central Racine County Health Department, which advises people […]


County health officials ease COVID-19 recommendations

Face coverings, physical distancing still strongly encouraged By Jason Arndt Staff Writer The Central Racine County Health Department eased some recommendations related to COVID-19 as its service area continues to experience newly confirmed cases of the disease. The recommendations, according to a June 29 announcement, cover multiple sectors from individuals […]


Grateful for the gardens

Waterford residents rave about community plots – even if they are temporary By Chris Bennett Correspondent Mary Heebsh of Waterford can hardly wait to harvest her tomatoes. Heebsh lives in the house next to the new Waterford Community Garden, which is in a vacant lot at the corner of Main […]


Raising awareness in a small town

Juneteenth celebration highlights call for more dialogue By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Juneteenth is an annual celebration commemorating freedom of all slaves in the United States and this year’s event brought increased awareness amid protests for racial justice across the country. And for the first time, the 155-year-old holiday came […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      The Burlington Area School District has not officially received a widely discussed petition urging changes to help eliminate racism, but the district’s superintendent has already acknowledged officials have to make an extra effort to diversify staff and update curriculum and training. Superintendent Stephen Plank’s reaction to the petition drive […]


Tense, but peaceful

Counter-protesters disrupt speeches, but violence is avoided By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Organizers of Waterford’s Black Lives Matter protest acknowledged there would be opposition to their root cause of shedding light on systemic racism in society. However, with anticipated counter-protesters at Ten Club Park June 20, organizers asked fellow Black […]


Petition seeks change in BASD

Coalition seeks to stem racism through education in local school district By Jason Arndt Staff Writer An online petition calling on the Burlington Area School District to address systemic racism and update its black history curriculum has drawn hundreds of signatures. According to the petition, as of Monday, 426 had […]