Recent school shooting spurs quick action by Waterford board By Dave Fidlin Correspondent It might have happened in an adjacent county, and in a larger community, but it still hit far too close to home. That was the sentiment of the Waterford Village Board this week, whose members on Dec. […]
News from throughout Western Racine County.
City OKs grant for PAC study
Alderman urges colleagues to ‘dream big’ By Jason Arndt Editor A proposed multi-use Performing Arts Center along the Fox River is only a dream for the City of Burlington. But some Common Council members want to see if the dream can become a reality and approved a $10,000 revolving loan […]
Cold, snow predicted for middle of next week
Exact track of storm will determine where the boundary between rain and snow The official start of winter is still about two weeks away, but conditions are coming together in a way that could bring another major winter-like storm to a large portion of the middle of the United States […]
Turkey Trot highlights generosity
Annual event raises funds for local social service agency By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Regardless of whether people came to win or carry on a family tradition, the ninth annual Burlington Turkey Trot 5-kilometer run/walk Thursday highlighted the area’s generosity. Proceeds from this year’s event, which saw a record turnout […]
Limbering up at the library
Mom Kristy Kreger, of Franksville, assists one-year-old Kinsley with tree pose during a recent session of Storytime Yoga at the Waterford Public Library. (Photo by Maureen Vander Sanden)
In this week’s Standard Press…
Which comes first, the feasibility study or the fundraising? That was a question facing the Burlington City Council recently as it considered a grant from its revolving fund loan to a local group that has proposed a performing arts center on a site along the Fox River that is […]
It’s a grind in the rumor mill
Award-winning play deals with the challenges of teen life By Jennifer Eisenbart Correspondent A year after undertaking a play about a school shooting, the Waterford Union High School one-act competition tackled something a little closer to home – gossip, the damage rumors can cause and how teenagers see both in […]
Police looking to bolster surveillance efforts
Officials looking to partner with residents and business with cameras By Jason Arndt Editor The City of Burlington Police Department is building a video surveillance database consisting of private residences and local businesses to improve criminal investigations. Lt. Brian Zmudzinski said the database is a voluntary partnership and gives his […]
The results are in
Village officials comb through Union Grove survey data By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Crime and safety topped the list of importance, but the village’s proximity to nearby employment came in lower on the spectrum. Union Grove Village Administrator Mike Hawes and the Village Board recently distilled data from a community survey […]
Rochester will pay to archive social media
Postings are valuable form of communication, official says By Dave Fidlin Correspondent In an effort to stay abreast of modern open records laws, Rochester officials plan to allocate $2,388 next year to ensure social media posts related to village business and sanctioned activities are properly archived. Village Clerk Sandi Swan […]